Latest News / Events

Please see below all our latest news and events.

Blankney Farm Update – 26 July 2024

July 26, 2024
Our combinable crop harvest is imminent and we’re not sure if we’re confident about yields – let’s hope we’re pleasantly surprised!Grass and Lucerne drying continues and we are now coming out of the ‘rapid growing period’; grass and Lucerne now slow down, with cutting intervals extending, but with an increase in quality for chlorophyll extraction.Irrigation
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Blankney Farm Update – 28 June 2024

June 28, 2024
The harvest season has started at Blankney with our winter forage, winter barley, and winter rye already complete. Yields are approximately 11% down, a reduction which, considering the season we have had, is understandable. Our vining pea harvest is now ongoing and again, due to the weather, we’re currently seeing mixed results. With the recent
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Blankney Farm Update – 14th June 2024

June 25, 2024
We’re getting towards the end of the Spring period and we have established over 900 hectares of maize. Crop development, especially with later drilled crops, has been steady but with the recent rainfall, we have sufficient moisture – so we can be a bit more optimistic on yields. For our cereal crops, we could do
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Blankney Farm Update – 16 May 2024

May 21, 2024
Since our last update, sugar beet drilling has been completed in good time and maize planting has followed – 900 h/a will be established; as of today, we have a day and a half left to complete – a good effort by our drilling team. Crop drying has started but the previous cold weather has
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Blankney Farm Update – 10 April 2024

April 10, 2024
The continued, sporadic wet weather continues to frustrate our team as we keep trying to establish our spring crops. Commercial spring barley drilling was completed in February and in this last month, we’ve established the last two fields of spring barley, under-sown with grass and lucerne (companion cropping). Sugar beet drilling has started….and stopped, with
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Blankney Farm Update – 15 March 2024

March 21, 2024
The recent weather appears to be drying up and we have been able to continue with field applications and cultivations on our lighter land. The sugar beet harvest has also been completed and has all safely been delivered into the factory; yields are just above our 5-year average and 101% of our contract.Congratulations to the
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Blankney Farm Update – 16 February 2024

February 19, 2024
Again, recent wet weather has held up cultivations and drilling on the Heath. We have however made good progress since January and we now have 62% of our barley drilled. Sugar beet harvesting is nearing its end and yields are holding up. Sugar staging is at 16.3% and yields are 36t an acre. Since this
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Blankney Farm Update – 12 January 2024

January 12, 2024
Recently featured in Aquafeed magazine was an article on nettles which explained some of the trial work completed using nettles as a functional feed for Atlantic salmon. It is an encouraging article on the merits of nettles and the benefits of their use in feeds. In other news, rainfall this last year totaled 853.40ml. This
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Blankney Farm Update – 22 December 2023

January 2, 2024
On the run up to Christmas we have managed to drill our wheat target area, by continuing to drill after lifting sugar beet – our last field was completed this week. 3,000 acres of wheat is in the ground; the farm team have coped and adapted very well to achieve this. Let’s hope the start
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Blankney Farm Update – 11 December 2023

December 11, 2023
The November and early December weather continues to be wet with only our light soils being in a suitable condition to do any land work, you wonder what we are going to do with the heavy land in the spring! Sugar Beet harvest continues to go well, with yields now 7% above our 5-year average.
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Blankney Estates - a farming estate with history.